
Summer Plans...

The weather here lately has been summery to say the least. We reached 90 degrees one day this week and weren't far from it during the rest.

These warmer temperatures have been cooking a few ideas I have in my mind for summer projects.

Unfortunately, my summer is not shaping up how I thought it would. Whereas I once thought I would take no classes, I am now taking two classes and will be working a job and (hopefully) a summer assistantship to pay for them.

So, my summer schedule thus far is the most hectic of all.

But after this semester ends (classes end in another week and my assistantship ends on the 15th) I will have one blissfully empty week before summer classes begin.

This is where my mind is currently focused (not, unfortunately, on a paper due tomorrow) and where my "real" summer plans reside.

During that week, I want to:

1. Make a garden apron (like I saw here and here)
2. Make some rosemary shampoo, tarragon perfume and herbal deodorant
3. Construct a ladybug house
4. Make these cute row labels (good ideas here)
5. Drink a cold bottle of wine (and have Adam drive me home!) in the garden on a cool night

Sounds good, right?! It might be a little ambitious for one week, especially since I won't actually be in town for that entire week, but I am looking forward to it.

Now I just need to focus on my papers.