
All in a Twitter

We will be out-of-town this Easter weekend but it looks like our little garden should be getting a fair amount of rain while we are gone. If it does get a little dry, wouldn't it be great if our plants could let us know they're parched?

Well now your plants can Twitter you. Granted, I don't really understand what Twittering is (I have yet to master "texting") but apparently a new device will allow your plants to Twitter when they need water.

I'm not so sure about this. I think we all know those people who are constantly checking their phones or updating their Facebook status with such mundane things as "I'm brushing my teeth and then I'm going to floss!" What if I become obsessed with my plants' hydration status?

Or worse, what if my plants become obsessed with telling me their hydration status?

So, I think we'll forgo this foray into gardening technology for the time being. I like my plants to be the strong, silent type.