
Um, yeah......

Have you ever wondered what happens when a garden is abandoned for 8 months?

Well, wonder no more. This is what we were faced with when we finally returned to our poor little plot. I will not go into the sundry reasons for our flight but, I assure you, they were all very good.

The important thing to remember is that we have returned! We have fresh plans, fresh ideas and fresh seeds. But all of that can wait until tomorrow. For today, take a look at:

Dessicated tomato plants and blossoms:

Dried-up...flowers? I'm not exactly sure what this plant is:

Dead sunflower with crispy okra pods in the background:

Amidst all of this brown, we were surprised to find some actual living plants, other than weeds, in our plot. Our rosemary, thyme and oregano (not pictured) are alive and kicking:

To do list:
clear out this mess
till and make rows
fertilize and MULCH!!