Although our basic farm layout from last year is the same, we have made some changes this year.
1. Fewer rows
2. Wider rows
3. Fewer plants
Despite some crop failures last year (peppers, I'm talking to you) we honestly had more vegetables than we knew what to do with. Because of this, we've decided to scale back on the plantings.
We still have four rows in front but the back few rows are different. One side has four rows while the other side just has three. The side with three will be the side with beans since they really need more room.
Also, we only have 6 total "round mounds" (3 on each side) as opposed to the 8 "round mounds" we had last year.
We are planting pretty much everything we planted last year - we're just planting less of it. And we've spaced the rows out more so that our aisles are more spacious.
Other changes we've made are to our watering system. Watering was a constant problem last year because the water pressure at the farm is so strong we kept busting our (cheap) hoses. I'll detail our new watering system in another post when I can share pictures.
In other news: Adam is coming home today! Yea!
13 years ago