I have been slightly off this week. Perhaps it is because it is a shortened holiday week. Perhaps it is because I started my new summer schedule at work. Perhaps it is because I've slept in my bed only once in the past 7 days.
Whatever the reason, I'm off.
For instance, I made pesto. With our basil. From our farm.
And took no pictures. Not a one.
When we went to the farm this evening, I forgot my camera. So I couldn't take a picture of the large and numerous bugs eating our collards.
Or the new sunflower blossoms that opened recently.
I couldn't even document the fact that our peppers may be (fingers crossed) on the rebound. We have new foliage. New flowers and a few actual peppers.
And no pictures.
So I can't provide any pictures for this post. But I can provide the following list.
A farming to-do list for the long holiday weekend:
1. Weed the areas we haven't mulched yet.
2. Mulch the areas we haven't mulched yet.
3. Fertilize everything.
4. Water everything.
5. Harvest.
6. Make more pesto. Take pictures.
7. Make "easy" dill pickles. Take pictures.
8. Make zucchini bread. Take pictures.
9. Make sun tea. Take pictures.
10. Blog about it all.
13 years ago