
Everybody's mulching for the weekend

Adam and I went in search of mulch last week. Apparently, when "weekend farmers" such as ourselves decide to take the weekend off, the weeds come out of hibernation and create a ruckus in the garden.

Since neither one of us likes to weed, and Round-Up is just not an option, we knew we needed to get some mulch down soon to prevent this from becoming a weekly problem.

However, we are cheap. After several years of living paycheck to paycheck we still cringe at the thought of spending money on something we can get for free. So, we went around our neighborhood looking for bagged leaves.

Through FreeCycle, we heard about a guy who had some yard waste on his curb. But it seemed his yard waste included waste-waste as well, judging by the amount of flies in the vicinity.

We were about to call off the search when we saw two (two!) houses with several beautiful black bags out front. We hesitantly stopped at the first one, peeked in one of the bags, and were delighted to find leaves.

Magnolia leaves.

Quite possibly the prettiest leaf around, if this southern girl has anything to say about it.

We filled our car to the brim and made our way to the farm.

Somewhere between the roach crawling across my arm and the realization that we literally could not see the forest for all the leaf bags, we discovered the importance of owning a truck.

Not right now of course.

But some time. The future farm of our dreams includes a future non-gas-guzzling truck. And, while I'm populating our dream with specific items, I'd like to include a dog.

Several dogs actually.

And I want one of them to be tall enough that, when he is standing next to me, I can rub his ear without bending over.